Always wild & domestic seafood from renewable resources.
15 lbs Sockeye Salmon


15 lbs Sockeye Salmon


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Expected Delivery in September 2023

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Characteristics of the Fish

  • Mild flavored salmon
  • Bright orange to red color
  • Lean and flakey salmon
  • Semi-boneless fillet portions

Details of Harvest and Seasonality

Harvest Area: Southeast Alaska and North Bristol Bay near Naknek AK
Gear Type: Power Troll, Hand Troll and Gillnet
Primary Fishery Management: Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
Harvest Season: June through mid-August

Suggested Cooking & Handling

Be especially careful not to overcook Sockeye Salmon. Avoid using acidity or salt before cooking as these ingredients tend to extract the subtle omega-3 fats from the sockeye. Acidity and salt may be used to enhance flavor after cooking while the fillet is at rest.


  • 400 degrees for 10 minutes per inch of thickness. Pouch sockeye fillet in foil and add fats and vegetables to insulate fillet and retain juiciness.  Place pouched fillet indirectly from the grill flames.
  • Remove fillet from heat promptly once the appropriate cooking time has elapsed then allow the cooked fillet to rest for 2 minutes before serving.


  • 250 F degrees for 20 minutes per half-inch of thickness.
  • Remove fillet from heat promptly once the appropriate cooking time has elapsed then allow the cooked fillet to rest for 4 minutes before serving.
  • When fillets are covered in pouches and/or  sauteed vegetable, add additional 4 minutes cooking time per 1/2 inch thickness of fillet to allow for the insulation from the heat.

Pan Sear:

  • Heat lightly oiled skillet on low/medium heat then place the fillet skin side down covered for 15 minutes TOTAL cooking time per 1/2 inch thickness of fillet portion.
  • Remove from the heat after the correct time has elapsed then allow the fillet to rest for 4 minutes before serving.  If the sockeye skin seems to stick to your pan then remove only the fillet leaving the skin behind on the pan. Fully cooked sockeye will easily lift off the cooked skin of the fillet. Drizzle fillet with lemon, butter, or preferred sauce before serving.
  • Alternate skillet method: Prepare pan as described above and place the fish skin side up into the hot oil uncovered for approximately 5-6 minutes.  When sockeye is ready to flip it will lift easily otherwise wait another minute or two until fish is barely golden then flip onto the skin side down and continue cooking for additional time required.  Avoid cooking sockeye fillets for more than 15 TOTAL minutes per half-inch thickness.  Total cook time of a 1/2 inch thick sockeye portion is 15 minutes. To avaoid over cooking, you will need to be aware of how many minutes the fillet cooked before it was ready to flip easily then continue cooking on the skin side.
Weight 15 lbs


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